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Mono Floral Manuka 263+MGO NZ Made Jar



Authentic New Zealand Manuka Honey is some of the rarest in the world. It has a unique dark colour and strong flavour containing the highest amount of flavonoid compounds found in honey. Manuka Honey is packed with antioxidants and is high in non-peroxide activity, and is amazing at promoting energy production.


Our Quality Manuka Honey is sourced from remote locations all over the North Island, New Zealand using our healthiest hives.  Every jar has a unique batch number on the label, which can be traced back to the location of harvest. Every batch of our honey is stringently tested at either Analytica or Gribbles Scientific Laboratories NZ for Glyphosate, AFB, C4's - (sugar content), and the 5 MPI chemical markers/attributes (four chemical markers and one DNA). We take pride in producing Authentic Unique Quality Honey.



Leptospermum Scoparium commonly known as the Manuka Tree is a prolific shrub-type tree found throughout New Zealand.  Manuka honey is made by bees collecting the nectar and pollinating the Manuka flower, which only blooms between 2-6 weeks per year. Manuka honey can only be produced in areas with large amounts of Manuka trees, hence our honey being some of the rarest and most sought-after honey in the world. 



Methylglyoxal known as MGO is a unique naturally occurring chemical compound found in Manuka Honey. It gives Manuka Honey its unique antibacterial properties. The higher the MGO the higher the potency of the honey produced.

Want to know more about where we get our honey tested and the MPI Markers?
Check out these links:
Manuka Honey MGO ratings Table
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